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20.08.24  /  Events

Float, Lift and Fly Contest 2024

To pass on our passion, encourage vocations and develop expertise in airships, we organize the annual Float, Lift and Fly Contest for engineering students, in partnership with Planète Sciences.

The aim? To design and assemble prototypes of scaled-down airships capable of transporting goods, such as the LCA60T.

Throughout the year, talented students worked hard to develop these prototypes, which enable the implementation of all aspects of an airship, including helium-based lift, electric propulsion, flight control in disturbed conditions, load lifting and ballasting.

The long-awaited moment arrived, when all the students gathered in Laval for the grand finale! Teams had to transport wind turbine blades, containers and logs.

The results:

1. Winner: IPSA, école d’ingénieurs de l’air et de l’espace
2. Second place: ESTACA – Ecole Supérieure des Techniques Aéronautiques et de Construction Automobile Bordeaux
3. Third place: ELISA Aerospace Saint-Quentin

Congratulations to all participants, and see you next year!

Many thanks to Air Liquide, our partner for this competition, and to Planète Sciences for the quality of its supervision.